Questions? We can help!
If it is your first time accessing your account, you will have received a "Service Has Started" email containing a 'Register Account' link unique to your account. You must register your account by clicking the 'Register Account' link from within that email.
If this is not your first time accessing your account, you can simply login then click on My Profile from the 'Quick Pick Dashboard' then edit your password in the Security information inputs. Make sure you select 'Continue' to save all changes.
You’ll click on My Account and then on Forgot Your Password under the login information fields. We’ll send you a temporary password via email.
You can easily change your billing address, phone number, email, and more by logging in and clicking on My Profile. To update payment information and debit or credit card on file, log in and click on Payments & Billing.
To change your service address, please select Transfer My Service under the Manage My Service link.
You may not transfer your account to someone else.
We do not suggest leaving your account open and allowing another individual to take over payments. If you are no longer residing at the address, please close your account and have the new individual open their own. If the account remains in your name, any and all late payments, past due balances and collection notices will be your sole responsibility.
Technically, you can’t. However, your roommate can open their own new account. Once their account is open, it will automatically close yours. As long as a new account is open first, there will be no disruption in service.
E-Docs is the electronic delivery of all of your standard plan documents links, billing, notices and other communications from us.
You can also access them at any time by logging in to your account. To find your bill, click on View My Bill or Payments & Billing then click View Payments & Billing History . To find your plan documents, click on Manage My Service.